As valuable members of our covenant family, we believe our children have the capability to live out their Christian faith right now. We long to plant in our children the understanding that God loves them and is with them in every aspect of life. Our Children’s Ministry Team is committed to something that can’t be reduced to babysitting or even educating – we are committed to the entire faith journey of our children, growing alongside them from infancy through childhood and beyond. We don’t want them to merely hear the gospel, we want them to learn how to live it out and grow up in it, deeply and authentically. We know that children who love Jesus can and will make an incredible difference in the world.
The Worship Gathering at 10.00am features our Children’s Program.
Parents: please pick your children up in their classrooms. Children will not be released without a parent or guardian personally picking them up to ensure safety for all of our children.
Childcare is provided each week during our 8.30am Adult Christian Education classes.
For any additional information about programs for your children and family, contact Kyle Keys.
Junior high and Senior high students
Kaleo is a Greek word that conveys a sense of call or calling. It is a word of invitation signifying God’s special call on our lives to be saved by – and live for – Him. Our mission is to lead students into reconciled relationships with God through Jesus Christ, as well as with each other. It is our hope that our students are increasingly awakened to the divine relationship God is calling them to, and that they would respond to this call with their whole beings.
Every Tuesday and Wednesday the youth center will be open from 4-6pm and any student is welcome to come. There won’t be any programming so they can bring homework, they can bring dinner, and we’ll just spend time together. Depending on who is there and what the interest is, we might play a game, we might do some service around the church or neighborhood. This is an opportunity for students to come if they just need somewhere else to be during the week or if they’re unable to come on Wednesday night.
Wednesday Youth Group (Grades 6-12)
Junior and Senior High gathers weekly on Wednesdays from 6.30-8.00pm with an extended time of community until 8.30pm. With the many pressures facing students, we value setting aside time to hear the loving voice of God that gives meaning and direction to life. On a typical evening students can expect to engage scripture, participate in student-led worship, and share laughter while playing silly games.
Sunday Morning Coffee Hour
On Sundays our junior and senior high students are encouraged to join us for Coffee Hour in the Youth Center from 9.00-10.00am. We brew delicious coffee, spend time getting to know each other, and consider the question of the day.
Special Events
We offer a number of special events with the intent of growing deeper in our faith, living out God’s mission, and just being together and having fun. Junior and senior high attend camps at Forest Home where they are able to refocus, grow spiritually, and cultivate community. We practice loving people by participating in mission through events like 30 Hour Famine, Ladle Ministry, Mission SD, and Dream Center. We also offer events that are safe and fun and provide a great context to invite new friends such as broomball, movie nights, and theme park trips.