Small Groups provide a unique opportunity to share faith and life with one another. Our experience with Small Groups over the last decade (and more) has shown us that real-life change best happens in the company of others where life-on-life support is naturally and spontaneously experienced. We’ve also learned that small groups (10-15 participants) are sometimes not small enough to encourage deep connections with each other.
We’re trying something new – TRIOS – very small groups of 3 people who commit to get to know each other deeply over the course of a year. These groups meet on their own schedule at venues and times that work for them, providing opportunities to learn and grow in different ways. We look forward to helping you find the right TRIO, so submit your information through the form below and we’ll be in touch!
Starting in October 2023, meeting monthly through August 2024
Registration opens September 10
What’s a TRIO?
A TRIO is a group of three people (of the same gender) who commit to get together once a month for about a year.The objective is simply to get to know each other deeply.
Why 3?
Music trios are known for their uncomplicated yet beautifully expressive sound. Whether we think of their vocal harmonies, the soothing chamber music of piano/violin/cello or the simple guitar/bass/drum combination in jazz, folk and pop music, trio musicians bring each of their gifts together to create their own unique sound. They have just what they need – nothing more and nothing less. Our TRIOS will come together and, in getting to know each other, create their own unique and deep relationships.
What does the TRIO study?
There is no set agenda or study for a TRIO. We recognize that most of us get to know each other by simply living life together – the more we share, the more we learn and the better we appreciate the unique individuals God has formed in us. Study, talk, work out, volunteer, eat, sip coffee, pray – the list of ways to connect is as endless as the uniqueness of each of us.
I already talk to people at worship, why join a TRIO?
We share a lot when we worship together. We greet each other at the beginning of the service. We welcome visitors. When we stick around for coffee fellowship, we have the opportunity to catch up on the week’s happenings. But, it’s not enough. We need time to talk. Share experiences. Relax together. TRIOS provide this opportunity beyond Sunday morning. There is no set agenda for a TRIO. Any subject is a safe subject in this setting. This is an opportunity to build deep connections with each other and create a web of connections among our FHPC family.
Ready to sign on?
Sign up on the white boards in the Narthex before the end of September. If you’ve missed the opportunity, don’t despair! We can form a TRIO at any time. Use the form below to let us know you’d like to join.
I’d like to join a TRIO
Provide your contact information below and we’ll be in touch!